37 research outputs found

    Environmental proactivity and firms' performance: Mediation effect of competitive advantages in Spanish wineries

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    The main aim of this paper is to show the extent to which environmental proactivity is able to generate competitive advantages in a firm in order to improve their economic-financial performance by introducing the role of managerial perception into the analysis. This study focuses on Spanish wineries and their environmental practices and covers a total of 4598 wineries with a sample of 142 valid responses during the month of November 2015. The results can be summarized as follows. Firstly, there is positive environmental proactivity in terms of obtaining both cost-based and differentiation-based competitive advantages. Likewise, this proactivity has a positive impact on the manager’s perception of performance. Secondly, obtaining differentiation-based competitive advantages has a positive impact on the manager’s perception of performance although a negative impact on performance itself. There is, however, no significant evidence of the impact of cost-based competitive advantages on financial performance nor on the perception of performance itself, nor the impact of environmental proactivity on financial performance

    Social Entrepreneurship in Mexico

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    The main objective of this chapter is to show how social entrepreneurship favors endogenous development of indigenous communities to improve their quality of life, while contributing to the preservation of their cultural heritage and also promoting environmental protection and sustainable development. In this context and based on the approaches of the Theory of Entrepreneurship, it discusses what is meant by social entrepreneurship and the impact of social capital in the creation of such enterprises

    Efectos del apoyo emocional de las redes cercanas al emprendedor indígena sobre el éxito de la nueva empresa ecoturística en la mitad sur de México

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    The present work aims to study the impact derived from the emotional support provided from the closest networks they offer to the entrepreneur, in order to determine if this networks constitute a relevant influential resource during the entrepreneurial process. The context chosen has been Mexico and the results obtained indicate that emotional support is vital for the culmination of this process. Furthermore, the creation of ecotourism companies by indigenous communities allows for compatible economic progression and conservation of the environment in zones which were habited, reducing its social and economical marginalisation level.El presente trabajo pretende estudiar el impacto que el apoyo emocional proveniente de las redes cercanas ejerce en el emprendedor, a fin de determinar si estas redes constituyen un recurso de influencia relevante durante el proceso emprendedor. El contexto elegido ha sido México y los resultados obtenidos indican que el apoyo emocional resulta vital para la culminación de este proceso. Además, la creación de empresas ecoturísticas por parte de comunidades indígenas permite compatibilizar progreso económico y conservación del medio ambiente en las zonas que habitan, reduciendo su nivel de marginación social y económica

    Cambios en el modelo de desarrollo económico y creación de empresas : el emprendedor como factor clave del proceso de cambio

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    El presente trabajo se centra en analizar el papel de la creación de empresas en los cambios producidos en el modelo económico de desarrollo regional. Este objetivo resulta de gran interés si consideramos que durante los últimos años, en el entorno de la UE, hemos asistido a un proceso de cambio desde un modelo económico en el que predominaban los factores de capital y trabajo no cualificado como fuentes de ventajas competitivas, a otro en donde surgen nuevos recursos competitivos como el capital emprendedor. En este contexto, la figura del emprendedor resulta clave para entender el éxito en este proceso de reestructuración y en la configuración de las nuevas empresas como generadoras de riqueza y [email protected]

    Environmental proactivity and firms' performance: Mediation effect of competitive advantages in Spanish wineries

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    The main aim of this paper is to show the extent to which environmental proactivity is able to generate competitive advantages in a firm in order to improve their economic-financial performance by introducing the role of managerial perception into the analysis. This study focuses on Spanish wineries and their environmental practices and covers a total of 4598 wineries with a sample of 142 valid responses during the month of November 2015. The results can be summarized as follows. Firstly, there is positive environmental proactivity in terms of obtaining both cost-based and differentiation-based competitive advantages. Likewise, this proactivity has a positive impact on the manager’s perception of performance. Secondly, obtaining differentiation-based competitive advantages has a positive impact on the manager’s perception of performance although a negative impact on performance itself. There is, however, no significant evidence of the impact of cost-based competitive advantages on financial performance nor on the perception of performance itself, nor the impact of environmental proactivity on financial performance

    Editorial: Emotional and social value of organizations

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    This study was supported by the University of the Basque Country under Grant US20/11, the Consejeria de Educacion, Cultura y Deportes (JCCM), and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under Grant SBPLY/21/180501/000192

    Labour Inclusion of People with Disabilities: What Role Do the Social and Solidarity Economy Entities Play?

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    Economic theory presupposes that the Entities of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) should exhibit a greater sensitivity in the labour insertion of groups in danger of social exclusion than should the Capitalist Companies (CC). Therefore, it is expected that the SSE will employ a greater number of people with socio-labour characteristics among its workers against whom the ordinary labour market discriminates negatively. In this context, the objective of this research is focused on the analysis of socio-labour characteristics, salary differences and the degree of inequality in the distribution of salary income of the group of workers with disabilities in the SSE compared to CCs in Spain during the Great Recession (2007–2013) and the beginning of the current economic recovery (2013–2016). Using the data from the Continuous Sample of Working Histories (MCVL, in Spanish), our results show a greater sensitivity from the SSE compared to the CC in labour inclusion of workers with disabilities as well as for most socio-labour characteristics against which the ordinary labour market discriminates negatively. A second conclusion of the results is that the SSE provides a more equitable distribution of salary income for workers with disabilities than the CC, although the wages are comparatively lower

    Una experiencia para fomentar la presencia de la Mujer en Informática a través del 11 de Febrero: Aprendiendo igualdad en la ciencia

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    La baja presencia de mujeres en carreras de ingeniería en general, y en informática en particular, ha sido reconocida por diferentes estudios internacionales. Esto está ocasionando un sesgo tanto en la industria como en la universidad hacia una visión única de la Informática, perdiendo la riqueza que ofrece siempre la diversidad. Así, nuestro centro, en el contexto de la iniciativa del 11 de Febrero Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia, ha propuesto durante los últimos dos cursos una serie de actividades dirigidas a estudiantes de Secundaria con el fin de hacer visibles a las mujeres en el ámbito de la Ciencia, en general, y en el de la Informática, en particular. Con ello se pretende crear roles femeninos, fuera de estereotipos, y promover prácticas que favorezcan la igualdad de género. Los objetivos últimos son animar a las nuevas generaciones de alumnas a estudiar Ingeniería Informática a fin de romper la brecha de género, y desterrar falsos estereotipos entre los estudiantes sobre las capacidades o competencias de la mujer.The small number of women in engineering studies in general, and in computer science in particular, has been recognized by different international studies. This is causing a bias in both the industry and the university towards a single vision of computing, losing the wealth that diversity always offers. Thus, our Engineering School, in the context of the initiative 11 February, International Day of Women and Girls in Science, has proposed, during the last two academic courses, different activities aimed at high school students to highlight the role of women in the field of Science, in general, and Computer Science, in particular. The main aim is to foster female roles, outside all the stereotypes, and promote practices that favour gender equality. The ultimate goals are to encourage new generations of female students to study Computer Science in order to break the gender gap, and banish false stereotypes among students about the skills or competencies of women